Gorn to be Wild...

Unlike Keith, I am somewhat of a closet Trekkie. At least when it comes to the original series. Was not a huge fan of the subsequent follow-ups, theatrically or on television.
One of my favorite episodes of the original series was called 'Arena', and was based on a Hugo award winning short story by the great Sci Fi author: Frederick Brown. In it Captain Kirk fought a reptilian alien called a Gorn for the survival of the human race.
I know that the main antagonist in the Next Generation Trek series was a race of android beings called the Borg who 'assimilate' other races to serve their society's 'collective'. I always wondered if they ever assimilated any of the Gorns. Well, in my world, they did, and here is one for your viewing pleasure.
Always really liked my 'Manthing' from a few posts back, so this was done in a similar style.
Hey....'resistance is futile'.


  1. Unknown said...

    this is great! and how could you not like the next generation! to be honest i never really watched any episodes of the original run.  

  2. Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Carlos V. said...

    thats because you're a cuaco parsecles!!!! Good stuff Grizzle!  

  4. Keith_Allen_Designs said...

    Dude, thats sick....looks awesome.  

  5. Keith_Allen_Designs said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  6. Jorge@jlacera.com said...

    Good work Gro! Hey Carlos back off, leave Mauro alone alright, Cuac's can like Star Trek as much as Nica's  

  7. Unknown said...

    haha.. do they even have TV's in nicaragua? i thought they still listened to am radio.... berga!  

  8. falkedahlman said...

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