Cobra Commander REdesign

Hey all, some of my fellow artist and myself are starting sketch-o-rama back up again. Sketch-o-rama is a theme sketch blog where other awesome artist put up cool pieces based on themes we assign each other, mostly redesigns of cool characters we all love. The theme I came up with recently was to do a redesign of Cobra Commander. I'm talking about the way you envision the ruthless leader of Cobra, the most evil terrorist organization of all time!! This dude should be one badass looking bastard and personally I don't think giving him a serious breathing problem and a skin condition is quite enough for the leader of all this evil! Here's my take, hope you enjoy and I can't wait for everyone else to jump on this one!! PEACE!!!


  1. James Groman said...

    What is even more impressive is...
    I know how fast Carlos did these.
    'Kick-ass' Los...  

  2. المتوكل على الله said...

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    شركة تنظيف الموكيت بالرياض
    شركة غسيل سجاد بالرياض  

  3. wael mohamed said...
  4. wael mohamed said...
  5. wael mohamed said...


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