All-righty then!
Lets get this party started. I recently did this sketch of an old American Greetings property called My Pet Monster. Did he look like this? NAH! He was a tad cuter, but what can I say. I draw what I like.
I challenge the rest of my Sketch-O-Rama cohorts to this: Draw a My Pet Monster, or any other cute and cuddly critter from TV, movies or toy product. Do it any way you want. Big and bad, soft and cute, hot and horny,...I don't care.
THIS IS A CHALLENGE!!! Okay, Sketch-O-Rama-ites, you know who you are!!
P.S. AWESOME Thor piece, Jorge! Can't wait to see how these skills continue to develop!! Thanks for keeping it alive!


  1. Dain Q Gore said...

    My brother still has the original "pet monster!" I remember it came out after My Buddy...I wonder if they were doing mad, twisted toy experiements on unwanted My Buddies...  

  2. Dain Q Gore said...

    One more thing I just noticed...I dig the muted color scheme!  

  3. Author said...

    I really love this! I like your style a lot. I was searching for pictures of the original My Pet Monster toy and found this in images. You have a cool blog.  

  4. Unknown said...

    One more thing I just noticed...I dig the muted color scheme  


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