
This is for our recent theme for the sketch-o-rama blog.

With my "final" piece I wanted to go for more of a children's book feel. I also wanted to add some type that would complement the illustration and I knew I wanted it to be somewhat decorative. I've been messing around with type lately and successful or not, I've been enjoying myself. I wanted to go for a foresty look for this one, let me know what you guys think, might still need some tweaks. I will add color to this and post it in the near future so keep on the look out!

The other image is just a compilation from my sketchbook to show you guys what a spaz I am! I enjoy exploring my ideas and a new one constantly pops into my head sometimes in the middle of drawing some other idea/concept. This can sometimes frustrate me because it impedes my ability to take anything to finish, anything that I am not getting paid for at least !

I would love to hear your guys thoughts on this subject, how good are you guys to committing to an idea. I got a feeling a lot of people out there are like me and love to explore things, come on guys help me out here, I feel like a freak sometimes=)



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