Where the wild things are

Didn't get to spend much time on this one, it's been a bit crazy lately. Looking forward to really rocking out the next post. I also haven't had a chance to see the movie yet, I've been really dying to! Looks sweeeeeeet!

This drawing serves double duty. I inked it up for a friend who wanted a bunch of us artists to do coloring pages for a Halloween party he is having, and now it's my Sketch-o-Rama post.
Sorry for the delay!

I'll Eat You Up

Seven reasons to go see Where The Wild Things Are

Visit the official blog


Teenage Mutant Ninja CHUD

I know, I know! I'm very late on this. Getting married takes up a lot of your free time! Here is my CHUD trying to find some 'dinner' in its own backyard. Limited it to only a few colors so I could bang it out. Hope you dig it.


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