Labels: Finish him, Mortal Kombat, Paper toys, Scorpion, Subzero
Hey everyone, for those of you I haven't me, I'm Keiths older but shorter brother, Brian. For my first submission, I did this concept of our bald little friend and his mighty steed. It started out as an attempt to portray an older, more realistic looking Aang, but I ended up having more fun with that six-armed creature he flies around on. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks!
I decided to do a paper sculpture of Aang for our latest theme--- The Last Airbender movie coming out this summer based on the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar. A few months back I created two paper sculptures of BumbleBee and Optimus Prime from Transformers and had a lot of fun building them. I thought I'd give it another go.
Labels: Aang, Avatar, Paper Sculpture, The Last Airbender
Labels: max, sketch, Where The Wild Things Are
Seven reasons to go see Where The Wild Things Are
Visit the official blog
Labels: Where The Wild Things Are
Labels: CHUD, Humanoid, Sewer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
This is for our recent theme for the sketch-o-rama blog.
With my "final" piece I wanted to go for more of a children's book feel. I also wanted to add some type that would complement the illustration and I knew I wanted it to be somewhat decorative. I've been messing around with type lately and successful or not, I've been enjoying myself. I wanted to go for a foresty look for this one, let me know what you guys think, might still need some tweaks. I will add color to this and post it in the near future so keep on the look out!
The other image is just a compilation from my sketchbook to show you guys what a spaz I am! I enjoy exploring my ideas and a new one constantly pops into my head sometimes in the middle of drawing some other idea/concept. This can sometimes frustrate me because it impedes my ability to take anything to finish, anything that I am not getting paid for at least !
I would love to hear your guys thoughts on this subject, how good are you guys to committing to an idea. I got a feeling a lot of people out there are like me and love to explore things, come on guys help me out here, I feel like a freak sometimes=)
Labels: Carlos Villagra, Where The Wild Things Are
Had a little trouble getting into this one.
Until I decided to dust off my tools and sculpt my submission in super sculpey. Did it rather quick once I started, and it's still not totally finished. But he's done enough to use in my current Sketch-o-Rama submission.
If you want to see a more complete photo of the sculpture, check it out on my blog at jgroman.blogspot.com.
I'm also going to cast up a few of these in resin, just for fun.
Labels: C.H.U.D. sculpture
Thought I would post my finished skate deck for the local Red Bull skate deck show. All vectored up in Adobe Illustrator. Now it's off to my buddy's sign shop to have a vinyl label to apply to my board.
Labels: Red Bull Skate Deck show
Saw the movie this weekend and while I'm never going to be a "Trekkie" or "Trekker" it was a fun SciFi action flick.
My piece for this week was inspired by a badass Spock minicomic in last moths issue of wired.
Drawn by Paul Pope and written by the screenwriters of the movie ( check it out here) I love Pope's design of Young Spock and think it would make for a killer CGI animated series ( ala Clone Wars)
Unlike Keith, I am somewhat of a closet Trekkie. At least when it comes to the original series. Was not a huge fan of the subsequent follow-ups, theatrically or on television.
One of my favorite episodes of the original series was called 'Arena', and was based on a Hugo award winning short story by the great Sci Fi author: Frederick Brown. In it Captain Kirk fought a reptilian alien called a Gorn for the survival of the human race.
I know that the main antagonist in the Next Generation Trek series was a race of android beings called the Borg who 'assimilate' other races to serve their society's 'collective'. I always wondered if they ever assimilated any of the Gorns. Well, in my world, they did, and here is one for your viewing pleasure.
Always really liked my 'Manthing' from a few posts back, so this was done in a similar style.
Hey....'resistance is futile'.
Labels: Terminator James Groman
here is my version of the terminator.i'm not entirely happy with this, but i'm still tryig to figure out how to paint with photoshop. I think i got too tight with the over all result, but this was a good exercise. hopefully next time i'll be a little more loose. any feed back is always welcomed.
thank you!
Hey all, just finished another sketch-o-rama post, this one was tons of fun and went fairly quickly, hope you all digs!!!
Labels: Carlos Villagra, vampirella
Labels: Character design, Cobra Commnader, GI Joe
Hey all, some of my fellow artist and myself are starting sketch-o-rama back up again. Sketch-o-rama is a theme sketch blog where other awesome artist put up cool pieces based on themes we assign each other, mostly redesigns of cool characters we all love. The theme I came up with recently was to do a redesign of Cobra Commander. I'm talking about the way you envision the ruthless leader of Cobra, the most evil terrorist organization of all time!! This dude should be one badass looking bastard and personally I don't think giving him a serious breathing problem and a skin condition is quite enough for the leader of all this evil! Here's my take, hope you enjoy and I can't wait for everyone else to jump on this one!! PEACE!!!
All-righty then!
Lets get this party started. I recently did this sketch of an old American Greetings property called My Pet Monster. Did he look like this? NAH! He was a tad cuter, but what can I say. I draw what I like.
I challenge the rest of my Sketch-O-Rama cohorts to this: Draw a My Pet Monster, or any other cute and cuddly critter from TV, movies or toy product. Do it any way you want. Big and bad, soft and cute, hot and horny,...I don't care.
THIS IS A CHALLENGE!!! Okay, Sketch-O-Rama-ites, you know who you are!!
P.S. AWESOME Thor piece, Jorge! Can't wait to see how these skills continue to develop!! Thanks for keeping it alive!
Labels: My Pet Monster